Thursday, May 10, 2007

To mom on mother's day

I'm a mom. I can't believe that I'm really the mother of two boys. I will clarify: two very little boys- the first will be 3 in a few months and the other is just a month old. So I have done very little parenting for the second, and do not yet feel exhausted by the prospect. I realize that parenthood is for forever, and look forward to my future with my family, though the enormity is daunting. Milestones, of course, but then the everyday! The making of breakfast, the laundry, the colds and ear infections, and the endless tidying up of toys, and then later school, and sports, and friends, and backpacks, homework, blah, blah, blah - the everyday. I look forward to the everyday.

I have to get off of the computer- this time is a luxury right now- but I want to say happy mother's day to all moms (and those who act as mom to children- the dads, grandparents, aunts, teachers, etc). And I want to say it too, to my mom- who died 6 years ago, who would have been 60 this year, who would have been a wonderful grandmother, who never met her grandchildren, who was a great mom, who I love- and I still feel loved, because being a parent, like being someone's child, is forever.

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